Royalty Free Music by Musicscreen
Commercial and Private Licenses
All songs on this website can be used as royalty free music for YouTube videos, high quality stock music for podcast, film, video advertising, TV, creative projects, multimedia, and the Internet including social media.
The use of MUSIC SCREEN's tracks in web projects is free of charge for non-profit and non-commercial uses for students, humanitarian organizations, and private individuals. For each free use, you need to request an authorization. Attribution is requested.
Once you have purchased your license, you may incorporate the music into your film or video without having to pay BMI, ASCAP, SESAC, SABAM or SUISA fees. Use stock music for your radio program, your multimedia presentation and creation, as hold music for your company phone line, or as background and in-store music.
About me
My name is Hicham Chahidi and I am an indie composer and sound engineer. I love music of all types, and my time is divided between the composition and production of instrumental soundtracks, re-orchestration of copyright free music, recording and audio mixing. I am a multi-instrumentalist musician; my main instruments are the piano and the guembri. The guembri is a string instrument, a sort of African double bass used in trance music called 'Gnawa Music'.
I was born in the south of Morocco on the Atlantic coast, and I live in Belgium.
Royalty Free Music
Royalty free music tracks may be used once a license has been purchased and as long as the conditions of use of this website are adhered to.Pre-cleared production music for worldwide use in TV broadcast productions, film, applications and for any multimedia and audiovisual project. Subscription plan available.
Choose a musical style, listen to the proposed playlist and download a track in MP3 format. You may test your favorite tunes in the context of your project before purchasing your license.
Humanitarian organizations, students and private individuals can use free RF music in their non-commercial Web project.
Customization of existing songs is possible. Original music composition can be done for film, applications or any audiovisual production. Please ask for a quote. Original arrangement is also possible for public domain songs..
Top Songs
Bonbon Flamenco: Positive & Motivational.
Grand Amour Ukulele, Acoustic, Happy, Inspiring.

Carte aux Adieux Piano: Romantic and contemplative.

Travelling Electronic, Jazz fusion, energetic.

Depending on the use producers intend to make of the music track, they will have to purchase all of the related rights: synchronization rights, rights of use, mechanical reproduction rights, public performance rights, distribution rights, etc. In the case of music which is not royalty free, they must deal with several different parties: composer, producer, publisher, performers, etc.
Music Screen tracks allows producers to purchase a license which gives them access — for a limited or unlimited amount of time — to all of the rights necessary to carry out their projects, with only one person to deal with, and without having to pay additional royalties.
- the length; i.e. the music may be lengthened or shortened.
- the tempo; i.e. the speed may be increased or decreased.
- the substitution of instruments by others and the removal of instruments.
- Re-orchestration or composition of original royalty free tracks can be done in any musical style: techno, classical, experimental, hip-hop, jazz, funk, disco, etc.. The orchestration can include your desired instruments: strings, drums, ukulele, violin, etc..
- If you need other editing, feel free to ask for a quote.
A fee is charged for this service.
If you need a specific mood, such as suspense, relaxing, or high energy, please do not hesitate to send me a message to discuss your project.