Eghazee : Royalty Free Music


Electronic royalty free music composition featuring, drums produced by custom drum kit recorded and edited in a sampler, analog synthesizers that provide an acid bass patch, hypnotic pads a well as distorted lead sounds, a string section consisting of violins and violas and an acoustic piano on which a distortion effect (over drive) is applied The use of resonant filters that give an acid color, and the use of certain articulations (here, portamento) on classical orchestral instruments, give a very original color to this music. A nostalgic and mysterious ambiance will be added to any YouTube video..

SIMILAR TRACKS: 5Keer ; Babydoll ; Coffee ; Transforyou
Tags: Action, nostalgia, strength, intrigue, power, mystery, acid, suspense...
Duration: 04:20
Instrumentation: Analog synthetic sounds, strings, drum kit, bass, percussion.
Possible modifications: Changing the tempo to speed up or slow down the music. Create a loop. Changing the effects, the mix and the mastering. Changing the instrumentation. Synchronizing to images. (Customization is a paid service; please ask for a quote)



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