Sylvie : Royalty Free Music


Sad, nostalgic little piece, with a string section including violas, cellos, and basses. The main melody is played by the violas and the piano. This music will go perfectly with sad, regretful, or nostalgic scenes. Depending on the images it accompanies, this piece will also be able to illustrate pure feelings; softness or innocence... More orchestral music

SIMILAR TRACKS: Mineral ; Herbal ; Ingrov
Tags: sad, sadness, regrets, sorrow, softness, purity, innocence...
Duration: 01:46
Instrumentation: Violas, cellos, basses, and piano.
Possible customizations: Changing the tempo to speed up or slow down the music. Create a loop. Changing the effects, the mix and the audio mastering. Changing the instrumentation. Synchronizing to images. (Customization is a paid service; please ask for a quote)


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