Folk Music
In this category "Folk music" i combined various orchestrations and arrangements from all over the world. Most of the time Folk music will include national pieces. These are heavily connected to the local folklore, however they were clearly adapted to the modern times. This type of music is transferred from one generation to the other and it has a great influence on popular music at that particular time. Normally most Folk music will have influences from America, Europe and Asia too. The instruments used for Folk music are pretty basic, as this includes percussions, clarinet, drums, bass guitar, violin and viola as well as the acoustic guitar. Even if the instruments are not very special, Folk music does a very good job at outlining the uniqueness of each region. But it can also combine various music styles too, which makes this incredibly interesting and rewarding.
Most types of folk music can be called world music. This is a very interesting type of music because it was transmitted orally, and it doesn’t have a lot of composers or music creators back in the day. The subject matter differs based on the country where you hear these songs, but most of the time it can be a celebration of victory. It can also showcase the outcome of a battle, it can even narrate natural disasters too. Some folk music also talks about the challenges we face in our society, especially the newer folk songs from the 20th century. And you can also find love poetry, nursery rhymes and the nonsense verses. All of these are a great addition to the folk genre and they have continually evolved in the past century. Basically everything traditional to that country and which is embedded in customs is seen as folk music. Although in Romania for example folk music has an entirely different meaning, it’s mostly modern music there.